Friday, February 26, 2010

Wow! Three followers - well, technically two of them are Aaron, but I'm trying to boost my e-confidence, so I'm going to go ahead and say three...
I'm only posting to grieve another error of technology. You know when your computer makes you type the word that you see - (I don't know exactly why that is, and I don't particularly's probably both important and beyond me.) Anyway, most of the time it's a legit word like 'happiness' or 'rabbit'...but then once in a while it's complete jibberish. For example, it just made me type 'cleade'. Cleade is not a word - I checked. And it makes the lettering so jumbly and skewed that I really worried I might get it wrong. I mean I sat there for a while before submitting my answer, thinking "It's usually a real word. Why wouldn't it be a real word this it just messing with me...maybe that's an I...nope - still not a word..."etc. Don't worry - I got it right. But I just need a little consistency here!
I now have to go work on the finale number of a student-created mini-musical for which I am partially responsible. Translation: I have to attempt to choreograph/alter the lyrics of Oliver's OomPahPah so that they would be appropriate for a waffle festival celebrating the solution of the Handicapped Pet Shop explosion mystery. (You may or may not need to read that sentence again.) I realize it sounds like I'm making it up. I can assure you I'm not.
Wish me luck. I will need it.


  1. I am going to attempt to explain what I recently saw on a news program regarding this "type-what-you-see" security system.

    Basically, they began using this system as a means to prevent non-humans from posting things and retrieving information on sites. Only a human would be able to mentally un-skew and bring a word like "rabbit" into focus. (And even at that, its STILL difficult to detect...hence your "cleade" experience.) And you are right, sometimes its simply nonsensical mumbo-jumbo, but the reason you often see real common words is because...and this will be extra difficult to forgive me in advance...

    There are many books, files, records, etc that have never been entered into a computer database. Imagine the millions of documents that were only recorded by hand or on a typewriter. They began using every day people to help them make this transfer of information. So I might have "Donut" and "boxers"...while you might have "Spongebob" and "The"....while Paul has "drug" and "King"...and Aaron has "dealer" and "Squarepants"...Hartleigh of course has "wearing" and "employee" you see where I'm going with this? We are imputing random words, and somehow our computers are taking them...transporting them to some other system...and they're all rearranged and pieced together to eventually form a sentence from a document...perhaps my police report from 2006 that said: "The employee at the Donut King was wearing only Spongebob Squarepants boxers, and I have no doubt that he's actually a drug dealer." Make sense?

    Glad I wasted 10 minutes of my life typing that out to you when I could have just told you in 5 seconds to your face next week.

    Still sorry about "cleade" though. Glad you passed. Hopefully you'll get "marf" next time.

    xo. melisse

  2. Wow. I feel so much more educated thanks to you!! What would I do without you? Plus, I always love a good Donut King reference. Perhaps you can give me a detailed tutorial (to my face) of spiffing-up my blog.
