Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm going to tell you a secret. I only started a new post because the other one was getting really long and I knew no one would read it all. You still might not, but this makes it appear slightly more approachable. I also know this is not actually a secret because the post will state the same date, but I'm trying here...
On Friday I took a rather impromptu journey to Wilmington, Delaware (random...) to see AARON in the National Tour of A Chorus Line!! This was one of the greatest ideas he has ever had, but more about that in a minute.
We must first discuss the bus I had to take. I was of course super nervous about where to meet this bus. I mean, I was convinced I was going to miss it. So Aaron, being the great friend that he is, tried to calm me down by gathering as much info about this particular bus that he could. So, he told me I was looking for a sign with the address on it on the side entrance to Macys, that there would not be many buses, and that I should just ask. But most importantly, I should look for a WHITE bus. White bus. White bus. White bus. I totally had it in my mind. So, the time comes. I had found the posted placard and was waiting directly beneath it, pacing nervously, and trying not to look too touristy. All of a sudden, a bright pink bus with rainbow tiger striping rolls up and all these people begin to board. I was thrown. I mean, I was committed to white bus. But I thought I should ask, just in case. It was my bus, so said the very intense asian woman loading luggage. I laughed pretty hard. But in the end, I was glad - it was really more my style anyway.
I made it to Delaware pretty easily, and my extravagent bus dropped me off on a sketchy corner where I waited for Aaron. He walked past me on accident one time, but when he came back and finally found me, it was magical. (I even got to re-visit the glory later when I realized Aaron had pocket-dialed me at the exact moment we found each other and the voicemail had recorded our giddy squeals.) I was so happy to be with him again!! And I felt very fortunate to meet these people he had spending his days with and be a part of this experience with him - how exciting!
I realize I am biased, but Wrong Arms Roy was so magnificent in the show - a true standout!! I'm not kidding. He gave a memorable performance and made his moments on stage count. Everyone should be proud of our friend! The little old ladies next to me were so very impressed that I knew him and, for that afternoon, they let me live vicariously through his fame. (See his blog for photos - the Wilmington Theatre was incredible.) I forgot to tell him this, but my favorite part of the show, (Wrong Arms Roy), was when they held hands in the blackout as they walked onto the stage to hold their placement. It was so cute and clever.
Not only did I get to see one of my best friends' do his thing, but I love the content of the show. It seemed especially poignant and motivational to me at this stage of my life, as well as reviving some pretty priceless memories of Chorus Line BHP style. This was after all when I met my Harrison, and it is impossible to forget us crammed in that tight little sauna of a rehearsal room, with Harrison trying to figure out the ridiculous vamps and singing about gonorrhea. (sp?). No wonder I fell in love.
Enough flashback though...Aaron and I had a fantastic weekend of chit-chat, Rupaul, PB sandwiches, looking up auditions (ha!), deep conversation (haha), and late night leg wars. I have missed him - even more than I realized before. And I cannot wait to spend more time with him when he gets back here!
We saw Mariann too! As usual, she was full of kind words and hilarious stories for us. Just what we always need. We were happy to find out the "I am a stone" picture is proudly displayed in her new office! That makes me happy...even if I look more like a turtle than a stone.
Then came my time to depart, which was only ok because I was comforted by the fact that I shall see my shady friend again real soon. Sadly, my bus was a less fabulous experience this time. It WAS white and I had to share a seat with a stranger. I'm sure she was a nice lady and all, but she was eating fried chicken out a plastic bag for the majority of the ride, so...there's that.
Then when I got back to the city, I had the most unpleasant NYC experience thus far. I was so proud because I knew my route home and then there was a big scandal with the F train being backed up and not running. So, I'm walking all over the place trying to find one that's actually running or an alternate route, calling Hart, dealing with bad reception, finding out all the other trains I could take are not running because of weekend maintenance, not finding anyone working in their little subway booths, dripping sweat, carrying all my bags, and my shirt was riding up to expose my tummy, so I looked both haggard and slightly scandalous. I really cannot express in words how frustrating and awful this was. I was walking by all those gross souvenir shops and thinking "I do NOT heart NY!!!!!" By the time I reached Hart's, I was ready to book my flight home, but she made me laugh and turned my world around.
Today, I went to...(dramatic sound effect) first NY audition. Let's see...I was lucky number 279 - these non-union people are not messing around. I waited for eight or nine hours to sing for thirty seconds. I hadn't eaten. My throat was beyond dry. They are lucky I didn't fall over in front of them...although that probably would have made for a better story. Anyway, it was awesome. Tis the life. And on an extremely positive note - I saw Serena (who I haven't seen since the BHP!) and Jason and Morgan!!! It made my day totally worth it.
Additionally, I miss Harrison mucho.
Sorry my blog is so wordy and there are no photos and videos to break it up and entertain you. The fact is, I still don't know how to upload such things. And, even if I did, I have only taken one photo since I got here and that was of Hartleigh's rattail that I braided last night while we made cookies. I clearly have my priorities in the right place. I will vow, for your sake though, to try to learn this skill and perhaps to take better visual documentation of my time here and beyond.
I'm pretty caught up now. It would probably not be so intense if I kept up as I went. More to come, I'm sure.
ps. These are too long to proof-read right now. I apologize in advance for any errors.


  1. Okay, so I read it. I laughed, then got really jealous, then got even more jealous about the lady with the fried chicken (ugh, if I were you I would have mooched), and then I laughed some more. Love you

  2. Some things never change...

    Carolyn is still a genius.

    You could be the next Tina Fey. I mean, I really think her screen adaptation of that book, which ended up being Mean Girls, plus 30 Rock, plus her SNL could blow her out of the water. Get on it. Or at least write a hilarious musical comedy and cast us all in it.

    Do we need a blog seminar?


  3. Agreed. Carolyn is the next Tina Fey.
