Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Any tips on getting an almost-three-year-old girl to wear pants? Claire is an avid Backyardigans watcher and she has recently decided she will not wear pants because "Tasha [a character on the show] doesn't wear pants!!" I pointed out that Tasha is a singing and dancing hippopotamus, but apparently that was not a strong enough argument for why we shouldn't model our real lives after her behavior. Thanks a lot Nick Jr. Also, I'm thinking of adopting a permanent Yorkshire accent. I'm a little bit good at it and it makes everything sound just a little more delightful. Love and miss you. C-dawg

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Random story of the day - just because it is too funny to keep to myself...

So, most of you know that I nanny for two precious children right now. Well, when I went to wake my little two-year-old up this morning, I found that she had decided it was a good idea to cover her headboard, pillowcase, a significant portion of her wall, and, most hysterically, her ENTIRE body in bright pink smiley faces. Apparently, she snuck a stamper into bed with her last night. Let me be clear - when I say her entire body, I am not exaggerating - (I never do...haha.) She spared no surface - neck, cheeks, lips, nose, up and down her legs, the bottoms of her feet, and - my personal favorite - her eyelids. This is a prime example of a case in which my blog would be bettered considerably were I to possess the capability to upload photos. As it is, I only captured this magical memory on my cell phone, which doesn't come close to doing it justice. It was by far one of my most difficult work-related tasks thus far - trying to explain to her that this was an inappopriate use of a stamper and that this cannot happen again, whilst struggling to contain my uncontrollable laughter. Her almost-6-year-old brother could only say, "Ohmagosh.....Ohmagosh..." at the discovery of each new happy face. She just grinned with pride as I scrubbed her raw. (They should make those things a little more washable.)

In other news, the holiday season has once again snuck up on us. I didn't really notice until I suddenly started running out of time in the worst way. I feel like each time I cross something off a to-do list, I have to add about ten more things. I have also been experiencing hardcore longing to be near family and friends - especially those so far away whom I miss dearly. I love you all and wish you heaps of cheer as Christmas approaches!!

Be back soon,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I just figured out what kind of person I am.

I'm the kind of person who stand in the Kleenex aisle for nearly 15 minutes trying to decide what my best option is, weighing all possible important factors - what is the best value (bang for my buck, if you will...), how many tissues do we really need/have room for in our home at one time, in how many different locations do we need a box and what is their optimum size, will they go on sale soon (seeing as "cold season" is nearing), do we need a lotion/aloe-enriched product, will Harrison be allergic to the lotion/aloe-enriched product............And after all that, I'm the kind of person who selects her tissue product based on the prettiest box.

I also realize I'm the kind of person who hasn't blogged in a really long time. I refuse to apologize. But I'll try to be better. If you're reading, it means you either haven't given up on me, or I told you that I blogged. Either way, thank you.

I miss you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I know what you're thinking...How can Carolyn possibly be posting again without waiting a grossly inappropriate amount of time since her last update? But it's happening.

Just a quick little tidbit today. I was having a rough-ish, hard-on-myself, what-am-I-doing-with-my-life-? kind of morning. You know the type... Until - a certain adorable just-turned-three-year-old I know looked up at me and said, "I like your eyebrows." Out of nowhere. Just like that...I like your eyebrows. And kids don't lie about stuff like that.
Personally, I've always been a little sensitive about my eyebrows. I don't obsess about them, but I'm certainly not their biggest fan, and I would never have written a public-ish post about them to call further attention to them. But the wisdom of a child shook me up.
So, I guess I'm here to say - even though we all have things we don't love about ourselves, maybe someone out there really does like that quality in us, or on our face as it may be. And whenever you're having a one of those rough-ish, hard-on-yourself, what-are-you-doing-with-your-life-? kind of days, remember this: Surely someone out there likes your eyebrows.

Love you,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21, 2010. My one month anniversary of being engaged! Congratulations to me!!!
I know everyone that reads this already knows, but in case you haven't really heard the story - this seems like a good time to reminisce...
Harrison came to visit me - which was beyond exciting at that point in my NYC experience. I was, of course, on cloud nine UNTIL we got to our classy hotel room on the Upper West side right by the Park, and it was a smoking room. Disgusting. So what else would I do besides call my mom and bawl my eyes out about how the hotel was trying to ruin my life? Duh. Anyway, I finally calmed down and talked to the woman at the desk who rudely explained that we had only marked a non-smoking preference, and it was not a guarentee. Rude. She was nice enough to let us leave without charging us for the first night. With the help of Mom's stellar internet skills, we found a room in Long Island City which turned out to be the loveliest little place. It smelled divine.
We had a fantastic weekend. Harrison is such a child at heart - and a small-town child at that. So, let's just say, everything amused him!! It was like I had taken him to the fanciest of museums. If only you could have seen how excited he was about the rat in the subway! And don't get me started on our celebrity sightings. He is definitely one of those gasp-point-freeze-shout "That's Mario Lopez!!" - sort of people. This was mildly embarassing to me, but also rather endearing.
Anyway, he had had his mind set on going to this very fancy restaurant on Sunday night. I don't know the name of it, I didn't even know it then. I really should learn it, for the sake of telling this story. A friend of ours (love you Jarvis!) used to work there and had arranged a reservation and all for us. He had also told us that he used to seat the likes of Beyonce and company quite often. I was not really onboard with this idea, (not knowing the plan, of course). I kept telling him - we don't need to go somewhere so expensive and I actually don't know if I could handle myself appropriately in the case that I was ever in the same room as Beyonce. But he was determined, so I went.
Beyonce was not in attendance that evening.
As to how it happened: it's kind of a hilarious blur to me. He started to launch into his speech, and of course, not being aware that he was trying to propose, I managed to continue talking and generally dominate the conversation. In my mind, we were having a wrap-up our weekend/what have we learned talk. How was I to know this was more than one of our usual sentimental chats? I actually think I set him up pretty well without knowing it. By the time he actually pulled the ring out and popped the question - all I could think was "Oh my've been trying to do that for so long!!" Haha. I cried forever. (To all those people who have told me I would not bawl at those pivotal moments in my life - you may want to revise your theory.) The food, BTW, was delicious, though I hardly ate anything.
It was sweet and subtle and just what I wanted. Nothing public or gimmicky - just our moment. Although Harrison did admit that if Beyonce had been there - it would have gone a little differently. Something along the lines of "If you like then you shou-ld put a ring on it..." - "You know what? You're right, Beyonce! I should..." Some things are too good to pass up...
Then we had to make a flood of phone calls. My sister started scream-crying and hung up on me because she couldn't handle it, my parents scolded me for not calling sooner (as if I knew), and my brother couldn't even answer his cellular (stupid Canada!). Almost all my friends thought I got a job...imagine there surprise when I said, "No...but I got a husband!!!" Harrison told me the whole 5th floor was probably very congratulatory. Sorry I'm loud - I guess you better get used to it H!!
He left the next day. Bye fiance! So it was rather surreal until I got back here.
Not that it's important: but my ring is incredible. It is finally sized and on my finger!! It contains a very rare cut of diamonds called "Hearts on Fire". This means the underside of the diamonds have hearts cut into every face and the top has very precise "fire" coming out of the center. This makes it extra-sparkly and extra-distracting to me during everyday life. Sometimes it scares me that I cannot really get it off, but the woman at the jewelry store says just use a little Windex - how very My Big Fat Greek Wedding of her.
And in case you're wondering: NO!!!!! We have made no decisions about when or where the wedding will be. It is still too stressful to approach the subject, though I suppose I need to start thinking about it soon. I will be sure to keep you informed - though that planning process may warrent a seperate blog.
In the mean time if anyone has input or ideas about what my married name should be, I would greatly appreciate it. The romantic part of me wants to take his name, but it would be such a drastic change - three words to three letters. And my name is so unique right now. I considered hyphenation. But Willems Van Dijk-Fry, seems slightly problematic to me. Other suggestions thus far have been Willems Van Fry or even Willems Van Fryjk. Cast your vote - I'm open to any suggestion or reasoning.
Love to everyone - near and far.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hey Y'all.
Greetings from Pennsylvania! I have left the Big Apple, and am spending a few days with my friend Ellie who I have not seen in almost two years!! I'll fly back to Olympia on excited!!
I really do apologize for the significant breakage in the timeline of my blog. (I am especially sorry to my sweet Grandpa who, from what I've heard, has tried to be a devoted follower regardless of my frustrating lack of postage.) I think my main problem was finding a way to bridge the gap between my previous frivolity about condiments and a post announcing some of the best news of my life!! But more about that later... This does, however, mean that you must now endure another "catch-up"post, though if you're still reading my blog at this point, you're probably used to it.
Many people have asked, "How do you like living in NYC?" To that, my response is always the same: "It depends on the day." On days full of waking up at 5am, waiting 8 hours to sing for 20 seconds, being semi-lost during inside-out umbrella monsoons, spending more money that I'd like to, loneliness, trying to make arrangements to avoid homelessness, trains not running, and feeling invisible - on those days, I wanted to book my flight home. But on days full of sunshine, delicious food, walks in Central Park, fun auditions and promising callbacks, Musical Mondays, laughing/talking/cuddling with my amazing friends, wonderfully convenient public transit, museums, so many shows (!!!), and endless opportunities at my fingertips - on those days, I wanted to stay forever. I never thought I wanted to live in NYC, I didn't think I had it in me. I've learned that I could definitely do it. I could. I'm just not sure if it's worth it to me. At least not right now. I'm glad to know the possibility exists though.
One thing I will say for myself is: I'm really good at LOOKing like I live in NYC. I will never forget the first time a couple asked me for directions. I felt pretty darn cool. Of course, I'd only bee there about three days at that point and though I answered them with a confident smile, I will never know if I sent them in the right direction. This began to be almost a daily occurrence. And with the exception of the few people who were definitely not speaking English, I think my record was pretty good.
I also developed a really good NYC walk. I figured out that, especially when I was alone, if I didn't look around/point/gasp/take photographs as I walked, people would assume I was not just visiting. I realized that my "I live here" face however, was really scary and mean - which is not something I'm accustomed to. I found, though, that I could combat this intense face by playing inspirational upbeat tunes on my ipod. It's so funny how much it can change your mood. I would always start strutting to the beat - don't deny it - you do it too. Anyway, it helped keep my spirits high.
I was fortunate enough to see 9 shows while I was there!! In chronological order, they were: The Miracle Worker (with Abigail Breslin), Come Fly Away, Rock of Ages, Time Stands Still (with Laura Linney and Alicia Silverstone), A Little Night Music (with Katherine Zeta-Jones and Angela Lansbury), Yank, Sondheim on Sondheim, Next to Normal, and The 39 Steps. While there are too many to talk about individually at this point, though I would be happy to share my feelings about any of them if anyone is interested. Just let me know!
I am so grateful that I had this opportunity. I cannot thank my friends enough for their hospitality, for all the fellowship, for keeping me grounded, for their advice, and for just being so incredible in every single way!!! I'm the luckiest.
Thank you everyone who has supported this adventure in any way, shape, or form. Now - I am so ready to return to least for now.
I love you all,
Ps. I'll be back soon. I swear. We haven't even discussed the engagement... :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reason #1 I may not be able to live in NYC: I had to buy Strawberry Preserves instead of Strawberry Jelly because it was significantly cheaper. This of course means dealing with a frustrating lack of spreadability. Talk about sacrifice! I'm still deciding if it's worth it...